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Pumpkin Spice Latte, Harvest Moon Mocha Nudes Leak: Web Explodes Over Hacked Jaho Coffee Latte Pics

  Earlier this week, a post started on 4chan claimed a wealth of Jaho Coffee Latte nudes--a la...
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Fall into Jaho!

As a coffee and tea drinker, autumn may be my favorite season. There's nothing quite like nurtur...
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What is Bubble Tea?

With summer here, Bubble Teas are one of the most popular offerings at Jaho. Yet, many people ar...
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Iced Hanoi: Coffee Nectar From the Far East

"I don't usually drink sweetened coffee, but when I do, I drink Iced Hanoi." One of my favorite ...
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Maneki Neko Barista!

I received a Maneki Neko from my home stay family in Japan this month in celebration of the upco...
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Quick Fact 2: Napoleon owed his success to the cafe!?

Renowned French leader Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) loved coffee so much he gave it to his troo...
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Quick Fact: The first coffee shops were in Turkey!?

A coffee house established in 1554 in Constantinople (now Instanbul) is thought to be the world's...
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Coffee Painting

You can have coffee in your cake, coffee in your gelato, and coffee in your wonderfully art deco ...
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A Delicious History of Chocolate

For many people coffee has a lot to do with chocolate; and to some women, it is more of a best fr...
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The Buzz On Decaf

Sometimes a cup of coffee is more than a caffeine buzz, though there are some that might be shock...
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